Website Audit

Learn as much as possible to improve your online presence.

Web audit reports are a great way to give you an external perspective

A website audit is a series of tests and analyses that gives an idea of how your online presence is doing. All factors affecting a website’s success and visibility in search engines are examined. An audit of any website provides data on the overall traffic, as well as page-by-page statistics to identify any problems so that you can improve.

How it works

Understand your Goals

One Size doesn’t fit all, every business is different, we understand what is important to you, what are your goals when it comes to your website

Measure what Matters

We realize that for a website to be successful it needs to address the following

Performance & Security

How fast and secure is the site?

Conversion Optimization

How well is the site optimized to convert website visitors into customers?

User Experience

How professional and user-friendly is the site?

SEO/Online Visibility

How well is the site optimized to rank well on search engines like Google?

Technical WP Assessment

How well is the site optimized to rank well on search engines like Google?

Content Format & Copy

How well is the site optimized to rank well on search engines like Google?


How well is the site optimized to rank well on search engines like Google?

Our Recomendation

With our audit report, we recommend the best next steps to improve the issues your site has, along with tips, tools and references to help you.